Health Science Education Innovation Guiding Framework

Health science education innovations (HSEI) are new ideas with the potential to change existing approaches in teaching and learning, scale to different areas and learners, and improve practice and health. We developed an HSEI Guiding Framework based on existing literature and input from HSE faculty, staff and learners to help evaluate innovations in three domains of innovation: impact, translation and scalability.

Degree of Impact

Health science education innovations impact teaching and learning—with an aim to adjust, modify, or transform processes or systems within science, health, and/or healthcare.



Translation of Outcomes

Health science education innovations translate findings into health and science practice and outcomes. They aim to improve knowledge, skills, and other attributes, advance healthcare or science practices, and improve health or science outcomes.



Scale of Implementation

Health science education innovations scale into other settings.  They aim to be implemented within single, multiple, or nation-wide organizations and across the learner continuum.




 To learn more about this framework, please read our Harvard Macy Institute’s Community Blog published in September 2020.